Our Partners

AccessHE works with partners across London, in both our face-to-face and our online activity. Our core partners are our members – 23 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and a wider network of schools, colleges and local authorities – and we also have close links with employers and third sector organisations. You can find out more about our partners below.

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Our 23 HEI members play a major role in widening access to HE in London and achieving better student outcomes for London learners. They have developed innovative ways of engaging with prospective students online, for instance via virtual outreach events, which we promote in our newsletters. Many of our HEI members have also created online subject taster sessions for AccessHE Online.

> Learn more about our HEI members


We help school and college learners across London to find out more about HE, so that they are better equipped to decide whether HE study is for them. AccessHE Online offers remote encounters with HE in London, utilising innovative online content created by us and by our HEI members. We also work directly with teachers and careers advisers as the key in-school advocates for HE progression.

If you would like to join our network and be kept up to date on HE outreach opportunities for your school or college, please get in touch via AHEuniconnecthub@londonhigher.ac.uk.

Employers and other local partners

We believe that the most effective way to support learners from underrepresented groups with their HE decision-making is to work collaboratively. Industry partners support our schools outreach work, as do local authorities and third sector organisations in London.

If you are a London-based employer or charity and would like to discuss working with us to deliver online outreach projects, please contact our Deputy Head, Dr Richard Boffey (richard.boffey@londonhigher.ac.uk), who would be delighted to hear from you.