
Photography: Session three case study

In 2014 award-wining photographer Narciso Contreras was sacked from his agency for digitally manipulating one of his photographs taken whilst he was covering the war in Syria.

Use the weblink below to see the photograph that he digitally altered and how it was changed and read the article to find out more about the reasons behind his dismissal. Once you have read the article put together two arguments, one for and one against his dismissal. Each argument should be no more than 100 words.

Some of the things you could consider are:

  • How much do the alterations change the truth of the photograph?
  • What are the dangers in allowing photojournalists to alter their photographs through digital manipulation?
  • What is lost in the manipulation of this photograph?
  • What is gained in the manipulation of this photograph?
  • Do you think his agency, The Associated Press, was right to sack Narciso Contreras for his first offence of this nature?

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Now put together two arguments, one for and one against his dismissal. Each argument should be no more than 100 words.